Who we are

We are a charity formed in 2019 to provide support for people living locally with a diagnosis of dementia. We accept referrals for people with dementia who live at home and are registered with Westongrove GP partnership, we normally support approximately fifty people and their families.

We believe in a positive approach where people living with dementia can be helped to achieve a real and sustained sense of contentment and wellbeing. We do this by helping families develop an effective way of providing support that can prevent many of the dilemmas and difficulties often associated with this condition.

We consist of a team of over fourty trained volunteers that bring together a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience. The team includes two retired GPs, a palliative care nurse and a Dementia Champion and these key workers have undertaken further training in dementia in order to provide professional advice and coaching. We offer a choice of support depending on individual circumstances. This includes:

  • a weekly Monday Club Café for enjoyable activities, live music and an opportunity to meet others in a similar position
  • Home visits for individual assessment and advice
  • a Family Support Group where workshops and online forums provide information, coaching and advice for sons and daughters who may not live locally.

Our approach

We have a very positive approach when we help and support people living with dementia. We believe that every person living with dementia is unique and the way dementia affects their life is completely individual. We also believe that every person wants to live their life in their own way with their own preferences, wishes and ambition. We are here to help them achieve what they want – whether that is to travel abroad independently, speak at a conference or to get out an old sewing machine and make something.

Supporting couples

We are also here to support husbands and wives of people with dementia. This can be challenging as many husbands and wives struggle with the gradual change in their marital relationship and many are actively grieving as they gradually lose the person that has been their life companion. We can help them adjust and learn how to accept and value a different relationship in their new role as prime carer. There are some tips we can offer to help them deal with dilemmas and difficulties in a way that promotes a sense of contentment and wellbeing for them both. We can also help them plan ahead, providing information and resources to enable them to get additional help when it is needed.

Living alone

Some people living with dementia are managing to live alone and many do very well if they are supported to do that. We will try and make sure that they are getting all the help and benefits they need to live at home independently as long as possible. Modern technology can provide good communication with friends and family as well as gadgets that help with security and provide reminders.


Supporting someone with dementia is a family affair. Every individual we help is part of a network of family, friends and community and the relationships within that are unique. We offer a Family Support Group for sons and daughters and other members of the family. We have found that sons and daughters have their own issues coming to terms with their parent’s diagnosis and very often they are concerned about both their parents. That is why we offer support to husbands and wives at a different time. There is a very important role for sons and daughters and we can provide information, resources and coaching to help them provide support effectively.

If you like the sound of us and our approach…

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