So far you have all helped us provide advice and support for over 90 families in the three years we have been operating. In April 2022, we are actively supporting 55 families and have 43 trained volunteers. We were very grateful to receive a community award from Wendover Parish Council for our work during the pandemic.

We particularly want to thank The Christian Centre which provides us with such a wonderful venue for our Café. We really value all the churches and organisations that work with us and that includes the Complex Care Team at Westongrove GP partnership who we meet regularly for liaison purposes.

Many Individuals have made personal donations to Wendover Dementia Support. For reasons of confidentiality we do not publish their names but we know who they are and we are very grateful. We are grateful also for the help and support of the following grant-awarding bodies.

Friends of Wendover Health Centre logoFriends of Wendover Health Centre

Lionel-Abel Smith Trust logoThe Lionel Abel-Smith Trust

Wendover Parish Council logoWendover Parish Council

Buckinghamshire Council logoBuckinghamshire Council

We would also like to thank the following organisations who have either provided services for us or who continue to work with us as we support our visitors and their families.

Westongrove Partnership logoWestongrove Partnership

Churches Together in Wendover logoWendover Churches

St Mary’s Church logoSt Mary’s Church

Catholic Directory logoRoman Catholic Church

Wendover Free Church logoWendover Free Church

Wendover News logoWendover News

Rotary International logoRotary International

Mediaport Solutions logoMediaport Solutions Ltd

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